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Revote of the 21 October 2023 KG HOA Elections


Below is the link for online voting for our October revote. Paper ballots were also mailed to residents on 13 November 2023. You may either vote by paper ballot or vote on line. Paper ballots can be returned via US Postal Service or returned in person on 14 December at the KG Clubhouse from 6 to 730 p.m.




The Mission of the Home Owner's Association

Maintaining a high quality of life within the King's Grant Community and keeping King's Grant one of the most desirable communities in...

KGHOA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Why do we need a King’s Grant Homeowner’s Association? Answer: The developers deemed an Association desirable “for the efficient preservation of...

Good Neighbors make a Great Neighborhood!

The King’s Grant Homeowner's Association (KGHOA) welcomes you to your new neighborhood. Those who live here would say "you've made an excellent...