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Board Minutes - November 2024

Nov 18

6 min read





Subject:  Minutes of the 21 October 2024 Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting



In Attendance: Janet Lee, DeeDee Jarman, Linda Poor, Nathan Chernecke, Roshan

Shamdansi, Kasi Turner, and Donald Stone

Call to order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm by President, Janet Lee. The meeting

began with introductions of all board members to the homeowners in attendance. A

sign in sheet was passed around and is attached as part of the meeting minutes.

Review and approve minutes from 21 Oct 2024 meeting

Motion by Nathan Chernecke, Second by Linda Poor, approved and accepted by all.

Financial Report:

Nathan Chernecke reviewed HOA checking and savings balances totaling $27,845.22.

Current assets are $36,485.22. Last page of profit/loss statement was reviewed. Net

gain for the year is $5,517 and based on dues collected to date. Currently 37

homeowners haven’t paid dues (a little over $7K). Nathan has sent out a second

notification to the 37 and will send out a third notification after the meeting. If we are

successful in collecting all dues for 2024-2025, anticipated net profit will be around

$12K. Nathan also provided an aging summary report. The list is getting shorter.

However there are 8 homeowners at balances that exceed more than one year of dues.

Collections have been initiated on 2 of the 8 homeowners and the other 6 will receive

letters and be turned over to collections. Janet explained how hard it is to collect dues

and the collections process for those in attendance. Roughly 50% of homeowners did

not receive the first bill according to homeowner feedback received by Nathan. More

homeowners received the second bill. Nathan waived the late fee for homeowners who

did not receive an initial bill. Other accounts were credited for late fees if already paid.

Donald recommended going on the website to register for community email notifications and online payment options for dues.

Motion to approve financial report by DeeDee Jarman, second by Linda Poor, approved

and accepted by all.

Board Reports

Architectural Review Board (ARB):

DeeDee Jarman presented the ARB report to include 2 residents currently in violation.

Residents will receive a letter tomorrow.

Three letters were sent since the last meeting and all 3 residents (2 campers, 1 yard

parking violation) are currently in compliance. DeeDee explained that she provides

ample time for residents to rectify violations on their own before sending a formal

violation notification.

Two ARB requests currently (fence installation on Burnside, and parking permit).

DeeDee is waiting for an additional request from a resident on Iverleigh.


Security guardhouse maintenance discussed. Roshan has updated the guard house

locks and provided unique codes to all board members. Roshan has been monitoring

the water leak and cannot find an issue. Roshan will turn on the water permanently.

The pipe is insulated for freezing temperatures. Gate house needs pressure washing,

repair of dry rot issues, and a deep interior cleaning.


Linda Poor delivered three welcome packets since the last meeting. Unfortunately,

residents are not answering the door.


Donald revamped the KG logo since the last meeting to make it hi-definition for better

printing and visibility. The new logo has been showcased on Facebook. The goal is to

build a brand guide for the KG community (font, colors, logo etc.). Starting next year the

HOA will go full force on email communication to include 3 HOA emails per month.

Suggestions should be sent to Donald

recommended residents take a look at the new website. Linda Poor admonished

residents to read the neighborhood watch newsletter as well. DeeDee asked about

banners to promote voting and to point residents to the new website. Donald did not

pursue banners for the election due to timing, budget, and rebranding. Donald

discussed ideal placement for future banners including measurements for cost. A

resident suggested free standing banners as a potential option. Donald expressed

blogging and suggestion forms as potential channels for more community togetherness.

The neighborhood watch newsletter and HOA website are separate entities. Residents

in attendance were asked to contact Greg Wells at (425) 591-7025 (coordinator of

neighborhood watch) to sign up for the neighborhood watch newsletter. The

neighborhood watch dues for each resident are currently $10 per year. There is also a

current block captain vacancy for the Burnside section.

Grounds and Maintenance:

Dwayne is doing a good job with maintenance. He is contracted through July 2025.

DeeDee will contact Dwayne to get a copy of the current maintenance contract as he

has not provided it to Linda as requested.

Mums and winter rye grass have been planted at the front gate. Linda currently has

one bid for the KG beautification project from the entrance to the sign past the guard

house. We need additional bids for the beautification project. We have time since

winter is upon us. Holiday greenery and bows will be installed at the front entrance right

after Thanksgiving.

Nathan made a motion to the board that the HOA take a phased approach to the

beautification project focusing on the most pressing issue first (erosion of sandy area

$8K). Donald asked if several rendering options could be provided before signing a

contract and before he would feel comfortable moving forward with the project. DeeDee

proposed contacting Cedar Falls to see if some of the expense can be shared. The

beautification project will serve the church as well. Discussion of former road collapse

(2016), flooding, and irrigation lines as concerns for beautification project.

A motion to proceed with the projected bid and renderings for the eroding section of the beautification project was made by Nathan, second by DeeDee. All were in favor.

Motion carried.

Old Business:

Janet provided an update on the covenant re-writes. Janet has the document from the

attorney in her inbox for review. Any revisions will require a vote per the attorney. The

intent was not to change the intent of the covenants but to modernize the language only.

Therefore, Nathan asked why we needed a vote. Janet will ask the attorney. The

re-writes are intended to modernize language for today’s times (i.e. television

antennas). Janet also mentioned conflicting language with current city rules that also

needs to be harmonized within the document.


Last year the KG HOA received a $1,500 grant for security. The money was used to

complete the security camera installation at the guard house. The next phase of grants

are aimed at preventing/curbing violent crimes. Janet does not believe we will qualify

for the next round of grants but we will do our best to apply. DeeDee asked for a more

specific definition of violent crimes pertaining to the grant.

New Business:

Janet received complaints about how Halloween happens in the KG neighborhood.

Janet saw something that could have been terrible in front of her own home. There are

small children in dark costumes with no flashlights trick-or-treating in areas that are not

well lit. Racing cars were also cited as well as KG residents who were stuck and unable

to drive to their own homes on Halloween night. Janet would like to do a better job

promoting safety in 2025. Several board members and residents echoed similar

sentiments. Suggestions to turn up neighborhood lights, hire off duty officers for the

evening, roving patrol, collaboration with neighborhood watch, collaboration with Cedar

Falls for parking options, more speed bumps etc. An ad hoc committee was created to

organize Halloween activities for a more organized experience in 2025. Kasi Turner will

chair the committee to start the conversation in summer 2025. Several board members

and residents expressed interest in joining the effort.

Sharing social activities at the KG clubhouse on the KG website page -

Janet was approached about sharing social activities at the KG clubhouse on the KG

website. Donald will coordinate via website calendar to highlight. DeeDee mentioned

the sharing should be reciprocal between the KG clubhouse and HOA. There should be

mutual agreement to share information back and forth between both organizations.

Janet mentioned the need to secure a bid for cleaning the guard house and several

board members need to purchase office supplies. Nathan will reimburse board

members for necessary expenses.

Janet mentioned that votes will be counted offsite (digital and paper ballots) and an

announcement will go out on website and Facebook with results. Residents expressed

concern over littering out front and the need for proofreading of voting ballot.

Next Meeting Date and Location - TBD

Nathan C. motioned to adjourn the meeting, DeeDee J. second

Adjourn 7:11pm

Nov 18

6 min read





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