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Report an issue?

Have an issue? Do you believe a community member is violating the bylaws? We’re here to help! Please fill out the form below and let us know where and who is violating our community bylaws. This is an anonymous tip; you are not required to submit your name. Just provide the address of the location where you believe the bylaws are being violated.

Thank you for your submission. We will look into this issue further and will reach out to you shortly about this inquire.

Please review our covenant/bylaws here.



Janet Lee


  • Preside over board and annual meetings, setting agendas, and ensuring orderly conduct.

  • Act as the primary spokesperson, regularly updating homeowners and addressing their concerns.

  • Oversee the implementation of board decisions, compliance with regulations, and daily operations.

  • Collaborate on budget management, ensure proper handling of funds, and oversee assessment collections.

  • Ensure proper maintenance and improvement of common areas and facilities, working with contractors as needed.

  • Mediate disputes, enforce rules fairly, and ensure legal compliance for the association.


Nathan Chernecke


  • Supervise the annual audit of the Association’s books.

  • Present the annual budget and statement of income and expenditures to the membership at its regular annual meeting. 


Linda Poor


  • Visit all new residents in Sections 2A thru VII in a timely manner, preferably second week after moving in.

  • Promote KGHOA and provide information specific to new homeowners (e.g. covenants, by-laws, architectural guidelines, etc.)

  • Share information on existing organizations within neighborhood such as: King’s Grant Garden Club, Neighborhood Watch and King’s Grant Golf and Country Club.

  • Provide basic information on the city of Fayetteville, Cumberland County and state of North Carolina.

  • Prepare a seasonal gift basket with appropriate items.

  • Give monthly report of visits to KGHOA board.

  • Get personal information form filled out and pass on to block captain and treasurer

  • Keep receipts of expenses and at appropriate time submitting them to KGHOA treasurer for reimbursement.

Chair of Architectural Review Board

DeeDee Jarman


  • ​Prevent excessive grading, earth moving, and clearing that disrupts natural landforms and watercourses.

  • Ensure structures are visually harmonious with the terrain, vegetation, and surrounding lots without obstructing scenic views.

  • ​Ensure designs, materials, and colors align with Kings Grant's overall appearance, cultural heritage, and approved development plans.

  • ​Ensure landscaping plans create visually pleasing settings that blend with the natural landscape and comply with the Covenants.


Donald Stone


  • Maintenance of the Association's website.

  • Maintenance of the Association's Facebook page

  • Maintain CRM 

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