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The Parks Committee shall take the necessary action to develop a plan for the maintenance and improvement of the Association's parks. The plan will be presented to the Board for prioritization. The committee will seek various sources and methods of support to supplement Association spending.


  • Supervise the development of the annual park plan and present the plan to the Board of Directors.
  • Oversee various improvement and maintence projects for the park. 


  • Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and Assistant Chairperson elected by the Board of Directors.
  • The member of the board shall be an ex-officio member of the committee.



The Mission of the Home Owner's Association

Maintaining a high quality of life within the King's Grant Community and keeping King's Grant one of the most desirable communities in...

KGHOA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Why do we need a King’s Grant Homeowner’s Association? Answer: The developers deemed an Association desirable “for the efficient preservation of...

Good Neighbors make a Great Neighborhood!

The King’s Grant Homeowner's Association (KGHOA) welcomes you to your new neighborhood. Those who live here would say "you've made an excellent...